09 November 2007

Christmas vs Xmas?

Welcome to the newest blog from Life is a Buffet – Help Your Self, Empower Others! With the countdown to Christmas having begun in most countries, we hope to bring you lots of goodies that you will find useful in your preparation for the ‘Big Day’.

As our first posting however, I would like to make an observation regarding Christmas that has become very clear to me over the years, and to which I have become rather sensitive.

It is this: Do you “celebrate Christmas”, or do you “Celebrate Xmas”? It doesn’t require much thinking to get my point here. Writing the word “Xmas” may seem like an abbreviation, but look at it again. “Christ” has been crossed out! This is indicative of how many people go about the ritual of this should-be holy celebration. Many exchange gifts, enjoy the feast and holiday while ignoring the fundamental reason for there being a celebration in the first place. Many don’t even acknowledge Christ, yet get caught up in the excitement and festive atmosphere. Shop owners exploit the season and one is left wondering whether Christmas has now become merely another commercial marketing gimmick.

However, it’s not my place to go on about this issue – but please remember that the whole reason for Christmas was the birth of a Savior over 2000 years ago. Please acknowledge that. A good start could be by writing “Happy Christmas” instead of “happy xmas”. It really doesn’t take that much more effort to write the word out in full!

Now, having had my say, let’s get into the mood of the season: Goodwill and Cheer to All Men!

Let’s get Christmas rolling!


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